Here is the information on the 2019/2020 Winter Ralleye Gravel Ride Series.
These rides are free and open to anyone and can be ridden on any bike they feel comfortable riding 9or pushing) on pavement, gravel, double track and carrying over snowdrifts. Contact Colin Pinney at: colin{at}kelpiecycles.com or head over to http://kelpiecycles.com/winter-ralleye/
Disclaimer for the Winter Ralleye
Reminder: The Winter Ralleye is just a group of friends out for a ride when most stay home or go skiing. These are self-supported rides; there are no support vehicles or supported rest areas. There is no entry fee, no registration, no UCI points, and no prize money. The suggested route is an open course and should be treated as such. Obey all traffic laws. Don’t break the law.
Wycolo Border Patrol Canceled due to permitting issues.
Pennock Pedaling Pow-wow
Sunday, December 8th, 2019 at 7:00 AM at The Bean Cycle ~ 95 miles through Buckhorn and Poudre Canyons.
Two Days of Cold Toes
Saturday, January 11th and Sunday, January 12th, 2020 meeting at Swing Station at Noon and roll at 12:00 pm to go camping up the Poudre Canyon
The NoCo Roller
Sunday, Feb 9th meeting at Bean Cycle at 7:00 and rolling at 7:30 am Counter Clockwise loop north of FoCo. ~ 80 miles no food or water on route.
Weld County Waltz
Saturday, March 28th, 2020 meeting at Bean Cycle at 7:00 and rolling at 7:30 am. Heading out east on gravel roads between 50 and 95 miles, weather dependent. Meet up after the ride at Road 34.
Prairie Fireball Overnight
Saturday, April 18th and Sunday, April 19th 2020 meeting at Bean Cycle at 8:00 rolling at 8:30. Approximately 50 to 150 miles depending on the weather. Route TBD. Questions about the rides, email Colin@kelpiecycles.com
For pictures from some of the recent rides, go to https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/winterralleye/