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Bella Oleksy racing the 2018 New Belgium Short Track series. Photo by Paul Kumm. 

Here are the NoCo cycling events for 2019.  As per usual, I’ve included several Wy and Ne events because they’re just so good.
There’s a lot of good energy on this list for 2019, check out the two new USAC races hosted by York Event Productions, the women’s only Ramble and a 4 race gromnium (gravel omnium) organized by Lauren Nagle, among other things.  If there are any events that need to be added throughout the year, please contact me.  I’ll be working to get the YGR hosted event pages and the YGR calendar updated with this info as soon as possible. 

If you are having trouble viewing the embedded spreadsheet, please use this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRTVILictpIgZNns0pyHaKWROGC_NCx-1lJfAuHapNpOh4vNia1Nri11UtpLp40RUlMEiOf5LyT0_Ts/pubhtml?gid=192048422&single=true

This information is accurate to the best of my knowledge as of 03/07/2019.  Contact event promotors for details.