Earlier this month, Larimer County completed project number 327, which widened, repaved and added 6′ bike lanes to North Shields Street between Willox and Highway 287. These improvements provide a much-needed and safer way for cyclists to exit North Central Fort Collins. Prior to this project, no bike lanes existed between Willcox and 287.
The lack of infrastructure likely contributed to the hit-and-run crash that left Luis A. Loma dead in 2021. Loma’s murder has yet to be identified.
Via Larimer County-
The cost of the project was $3.5 million ($1,852,000 federal grant, $1,648,000 county match – administered by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT))
The project began construction in early January with tree removals, culvert replacements, replacement of the Little Cache la Poudre Irrigation Ditch crossing, and road embankment widening work. Once all of the removals, culvert, and earthwork was completed, road base was placed on the widened shoulder and paving of the shoulder began in April. Curb and gutter installation and pavement widening work continued through the end of April and into May. Full width paving work is now complete. All work was completed by mid July of 2024.

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