The town of Windsor is hosting short-track mountain bike races to celebrate the opening of the Kyger Open Space. The free races, which take place on Saturday, September 21st, are on a one-mile course throughout the open space. There are races for all ages and abilities.
- Saturday, September 21st
- Kyger Trail
6371 E County Rd 32 E
Windsor, CO, 80550
- 8:30- 9:00am – Registration and recommended pre- ride
- 9:30am – Kids Fun Race – Independent riders age 8 and under
- 10:00 – Juniors Race – Ages 9 to 15 years old
- 10:30 – B Race – Ages 16+, beginner to intermediate
- 11:00 – A Race – Ages 16+, intermediate to advanced
- 11:30 – A and B Race Awards and Finale
Adults ages 21+ are invited to an after-party at High Hops Brewery following the race!
The race will take place on the new single- track trail at Kyger Open Space. Participants will need to ride from the parking area to the race area. Overflow parking will be at High Hops Brewery, which is a 0.75 mile ride away from the race area.
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