If you’re like me, you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by all the cycling advocacy requests you’re getting as of late. This is definitely a good thing but it can be hard to keep track of what you should be doing and when. Below you’ll find a list of all the cycling-related surveys and events you should be attending/filling out in the coming weeks.
Fort Collins Parks Department Master Plan Open Houses
We’re asking for a dedicated bike park and more cycling infrastructure in our existing parks.
Fort Collins Parks & Parks Planning is hosting a community open house to discuss the future of parks and recreation opportunities and infrastructure as part of a 10-year management plan update. This includes parks, recreation facilities and trails throughout the city. The public is invited to attend either open house on Thursday, February 6th, 5:00-8:00pm at the Lincoln Center – 417 W. Magnolia St…OR, Saturday, February 8th, 9:00am-12:00pm at Preston Middle School – 4901 Corbett Dr.
More info: https://tinyurl.com/u944gpm
Wednesday Night Worlds Summit and Survey
In an effort to increase participation and maintain safety at Wednesday Night Worlds, YGR will be hosting a summit on Feb 12th at 7 pm Cooper Smiths (poolside). After a number of years of strong participation, WNW saw a huge drop in 2019. Several issues contributed to that decline most notably were safety concerns with regards to the eastside I25 frontage road and a lack of a clear plan for the rest of the season. For 40+ years, Worlds had been attracting the best riders in the area and I would love for the local cycling community to work together to make that happen again. If you’ve ever done worlds but had given up on the ride, currently do it or would love to do it in the future, I encourage you to attend the summit on the 12th.
Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewcwXH5DW59p4VifTEx04Lj70TnYPemYuTEskDXsroaXMGoQ/viewform
More info: https://tinyurl.com/yxyzw7sn
Rossborough Park Survey
On December 20th the Rossborough Cyclocross Skills Course closed for the season and we have now entered the evaluation phase of the pilot program. The Parks Planning Department is compiling feedback from neighbors, other park users, park employees, and riders to determine whether the course will become a permanent feature at the park or not.
If you used the Rossborough Cyclocross Skills Course this past Fall, the city of Fort Collins Parks Planning Department would like you to fill out the attached survey by February 14th. Try to answer the scaled questions based on your general experience without focusing on specific instances. Use the open-ended question at the end to describe any specific positive or negative interactions you had, how the course could be improved (features changed or added) and what else could be done to improve the course and park user experience.
Survey: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/5427506/Cyclo-cross-Training-Course-Pilot-Rider-Evaluation
More info: https://tinyurl.com/r7mctqj
Mulberry Redesign One Year Evaluation
In 2018, the City completed a redesign of the W. Mulberry Street corridor, which added a center turn lane, protected bike lanes, crossing improvements, and reduced travel lanes to one lane in each direction. This project has been in place for more than one year, and we’d like to hear your thoughts.
Survey: http://ow.ly/n0Pr50yaAs1