jumping deer

Zack Allison and the Source Endurance Training Center of the Rockies will be hosting cycling training camps during the week of March 16th here in beautiful and historic Fort Collins.  Full info can be found below and in the the TECH GUIDE: SETCRSpringTrainingCampFinal

Join us for our first-ever SETCR Spring Training Camp MARCH 16th – 19th, 2017

  • $300 per person for all 4 days, or $200 for March 18-19th only.
  • Best training week of your life!
  • Wednesday evening complimentary brief bike tune from Velofix & presentations on route and etiquette, and ride and race nutrition.
  • Complimentary Matador Breakfast Burritos, Peritus Coffee, Clif ride food and recovery beverage.
  • Professional Athletic Trainer on site providing taping, recovery, and knowledge.
  • Leaves SETCR every morning RIDING at 10 am SHARP Thursday – Sunday
  • Follow car with wheels + bottles + food.
  • Thursday post-ride presentation: Climbing, TT pacing. LT accumulation.
  • Friday post-ride presentation: Racing Tactics.
  • Saturday and Sunday open presentation, there will be a survey for what you want to hear!
  • Max 20 per group

WHAT’s the big deal? I can ride these routes whenever. This is designed as professional level training camp. You’ll get supported rides with safe, beautiful routes and the best training environment possible. Rides are supported with a follow car for bottles, food, water, clothes, anything you would need to complete your training ride. The event is designed to deliver the highest level of training possible in 4 days. You may have done these routes but not back-to-back in a training environment with other riders. The group environment allows you to do multiple long days.

Each day is “no drop” but each rider is expected to be on a level of fitness to not hold up the group beyond natural re-group points. If you flat or have a mechanical the group will keep rolling BUT DON’T WORRY! There is a “team car” to change your flat, get a new wheel, and help pace you back onto the group. If you get hungry and have empty pockets, go back to the car for food or ask your ride leader to do it for you. Thirsty? Same deal, bottles are in the car. Too tired to finish the route? You can bail on the full route or get in the car.