Local frame builder Will Bender of Bender Bicycle Company has been getting some great national exposure as of late. Josh Weinberg with the Radavist and JOM with the Gravel Cyclist were both in town for the FoCo Fondo and paid Will’s shop a visit. Both JOM and Josh highlight Will’s emersion into frame building, his ever-expanding shop, sweetass 1995 HiAce Super Custom shop van and recent builds. I really like that orange gravel rig.
The Radavist
By Josh Weinberg
I’ve always wondered if there was something special about the water in Fort Collins that makes it a hotbed for legendary bicycle frame builders. Is the Poudre River’s clean mountain water that so famously supplies New Belgium, Odell, and numerous other local breweries in some way responsible for the wildly beautiful frames made by the likes of Black Sheep Bikes, Oddity Cycles, or Moonmen Bikes? Well, the answer is probably not, but Fort Collins’ water is delicious and it’s a great place to build bikes. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting with the Choice City’s newest framebuilder, Will Bender, of Bender Bicycle Company. Will has been making frames part-time for a handful of years now, with some truly beautiful machines under his belt, and he just recently moved into a new shop space to start building full-time.
Full story and gallery here.

The Gravel Cyclist
by JOM
“With a background in design, and a life long propensity to make and tinker, I started Bender Bicycle Co. with the goal to create functional, purposeful, and beautiful bikes.” – William Bender, Found
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