Ciclismo Youth Foundation rebrands as Send Town Bike Club.
Fort Collins, Colorado, April 24, 2020 – Ciclismo Youth Foundation, a 501(C)(3) , has been serving kids through cycling in Northern Colorado For 10 years. With the new decade comes the organization’s renewed commitment to that service. And a new identity. We, the STBC board present, Send Town Bike Club.
The Send Town Bike Club mission –
Cultivating a lifelong passion for cycling through adventure and community.
Send Town Bike Club is excited for the season to pick up once we’re confident that gathering is healthy and safe. We are currently planning to run our summer and middle school programs and the fall 2020 High School Mountain Bike League. Please visit sendtown.org for the latest information.
Looking toward 2021 Send Town Bike Club hopes to bring additional programs that give kids access to adventure cycling such as bike packing and destination MTB trips, Enduro and Gravity riding as well as programs for elementary-aged children. Maybe these sound like fun to you. Send Town Bike Club is volunteer-powered. Lead a ride. Be a mentor. Ride bikes. Have a good time.
Website: https://www.sendtown.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sendtownbikeclub