We continue to make slow and steady progress toward a world-class bike park here in Fort Collins. On Tuesday, the Fort Collins City Council passed two ordinances that help the cause. We still have a long way to go, but this is progress. Read on.

Ordinance No. 102, 2024, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves in the Conservation Trust Fund for Park Planning and Development Funding Community Bike Park Feasibility and Community Engagement.
On July 16th and August 20th, the council approved the first and second readings of an ordinance to allocate $70,000 for a bike park feasibility study. This study will explore potential locations, amenities, construction costs, and operational expenses. A community engagement process will be a key component of the study, ensuring that the bike park meets the needs of local residents.
Ordinance No. 106, 2024, Appropriating Prior Year Reserves in the General Fund for a Civic Assembly Process in Relation to the Hughes Stadium Site.
Concurrently, the city has initiated a separate community engagement process for the former Hughes Stadium property. A new civic assembly will be established in 2025 to gather input from stakeholders and residents. Interested community members can apply to serve on the panel, which will be selected through a random process to ensure representation. The panel will make recommendations to the city council based on a 70% super-majority vote, with the council making the final decision.
While the bike park study and civic assembly will proceed independently, there will be opportunities for collaboration and information sharing between the two groups, particularly on issues related to the potential use of the Hughes Stadium property.
The city will provide updates on the panel application process as it becomes available.
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