CSU Cycling will host a race course recon ride on Saturday, March 1st. The ride will allow the community to preview the CSU Criterium course and the Cobb Lake Circuit Race course, which is usually closed to the public.

More information:

  • What: CSU Criterium course and the Cobb Lake Circuit Race course recon ride.
  • When: Saturday, March 1st. 10:00 AM
  • Where: SW corner of the CSU Oval
  • How far: The route is about 25 miles.
  • Recon Ride Route

Race weekend Information:

  • Race weekend: Oval- Saturday, April 19th and Cobb Lake- Sunday, April 20th, 2025.
  • Registration and other information here.
  • Volunteers are needed. You can sign up here.
  • CSU Oval Course
  • Cobb Lake Course

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