2017 tour de fat

New Belgium has announced the dates revamped Tour de Fat. This year the festival will hit 33 cities nationwide, add bigger bands, an entry fee and drop many of it’s popular bike parades. Luckily, Fort Collins is one of 3 cities to retain the ride portion of the festival.  The FoCo show will take place on Saturday Sept 2nd at Civic Center Park and will feature The All-American Rejects, X Ambassadors, Tim DeLaGhetto, Sputnik, Le Tigre and Sedan Halen and more (supporting acts subject to change). The ride is still free but the show is now $25 and benefits some of our favorite non-profits Overland Mountain Bike Club, Bike Fort Collins, FC Bike Co Op and Ciclismo Youth Foundation.
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tour-de-fat-fort-collins-tickets-32299578910

Information on other Tour de Fat shows can be found here: https://www.newbelgium.com/events/tour-de-fat