Local Eagle Scout and mountain biker Ethan Hawley is working to add bike repair stations to several Fort Collins Natural Areas. The stations will be similar to those found around the Fort Collins area and will include a stand, pump, and tools mounted on a concrete slab. Ethan has established a GoFundMe campaign to help pay for the four stations that will be installed in four Natural Areas: Bobcat Ridge, Maxwell, and Reservoir Ridge Natural (x2) Areas.

Via Ethan Hawley
I’m Ethan Hawley, a Boy Scout in Troop 97 Fort Collins. I am currently working on my Eagle Scout Project. My project entails installing four concrete pads and Saris Infrastructure Public Bike Repair Stations with pumps at Bobcat Ridge, Maxwell, and Reservoir Ridge Natural Areas.
I aim to install the first “bike repair stations” at four of the busiest Natural Areas trailheads: Maxwell, Bobcat Ridge, and the two Reservoir Ridge trailheads. These stations will serve as essential resources for cyclists. Each station will be equipped with tools and pumps, allowing visitors to perform minor bike repairs right at the trailhead out of the way of motorists. We hope to promote sustainable outdoor activities by providing this service and encourage more people to explore our beautiful natural spaces. These funds will cover the purchase of the bike repair stationsThe repair stand and pump combo will be from Saris Infrastructure to match the repair stands around Fort Collins, as requested by FC Natural Areas.
If you’re interested in donating, use this link.
Again, thank you for supporting my Eagle Scout Project, Scouting as a whole, and the development of our community.
Thank you very much,Ethan Hawley
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