Zack and Whit, with the FoCo Fondo, announced riders that will make up their Leadership Program this week. Each of these athletes represents a historically underrepresented and under-supported demographic within the cycling community. These leaders, representing BIPOC, Non-Binary, Para, and Women communities, will encourage athletes to participate in events like the FoCo Fondo and others and support them along the way.
YGR will also be tapping these athletes to participate in Ride Reviews and 10 Tracks throughout the season.

Via the FoCo Fondo Crew
We’re thrilled to share that for 2023, FoCo Fondo has a leadership program in four key historically underrepresented areas in cycling: BIPOC, Non-Binary, Para, and Women. Each one of these leaders belongs to the underrepresented areas of which they lead and are local. We are compensating each of these leaders for their time and expertise and to continue to grow deep roots in Fort Collins while lifting up and supporting athletes everywhere. Fat Tire is continuing their support with housing opportunities for several of these programs.
FoCo Fondo strives to be a vessel to deliver biking to all, and the mission of our initiatives and programs is to take a step closer to equity of opportunity for any cyclist. Learn more about each of these local leaders and these programs by clicking on their photos below.

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