Poudre Fire Authority just released a great short film about how family, local EMS, and Strava came together to save the life of mountain biker Dave Goldfain. YGR ran a story a story and interview with Dave right after it happened. You can read that here.

“On June 24th, I was 30 seconds away from my last breath and didn’t know it.” – Survivor Dave

Dave, a long-time mountain biker, experienced a cardiac emergency while riding on Wathan Trail west of Fort Collins.

The complexity of the trail and trail system made it difficult for Dave and dispatch to pinpoint exactly where he was until he was able to drop a pin using the app Strava.

Even during the incident, Dave had no idea how serious the situation was and asked why a helicopter was in the area. The severity of what was happening hit him when a responder said, “It’s your heart and you’re getting on that helicopter.”

The lifesaving advice from dispatch? Know where you are and be able to relay that when calling 911. Their first question is “9-11, what’s the address of your emergency.”

Watch the full story of Dave’s rescue and how our local resources saved his life.

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