Fort Collins City Council met on June 11th to discuss the future of the former Hughes Stadium site. During the work session, Ginny Sawyer, Senior Project Manager, presented background on the Hughes property to date and past engagement and requested direction on future guiding principles and outreach. Staff presented information on a “Civic Assembly”* engagement process and ensured that regardless of process a site plan recommendation will be brought to Council in June/July 2025.
*A citizens’ assembly is a form of a democratic process which allows to make decisions at a city, national or even at the international level. A citizens’ assembly is a randomly selected group of residents according to the demographic criteria such as gender and age. It constitutes a city or a country in miniature.
A role of a citizens’ assembly is an in-depth analysis of a given issue, a deliberation over different solutions, hearing of the pros and cons, and then, making informed decisions. -
The full memorandum is below.

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