According to the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office, Kristin Eagle, the former owner/moderator of the now defunct mtbtime website and Facebook forum has been arrested on charges including charitable fraud, theft, forgery, unauthorized use of a financial transaction device, and two charges of identity theft. Eagle reportedly bilked the Fort Collins cycling community of tens of thousands of dollars in cash and product claiming to have had various illnesses and injuries including terminal cancer, heart issues, rattlesnake bites and broken bones. The felony theft charge is for theft between $100,000.00 and $1 million. The local cycling community hosted various auctions, fundraisers and online donations over the past several years, and many gave her personal donations and gifts. Eagle was arrested at her home on 09/14/2018 at 8:14 am. She bonded out jail with a $10,000.00 cash, surety, or property bond. Allegations of fraud were being investigated as early as July of 2017.
A timeline (updated on 09/16/2018)
Eagle first showed up on the Northern Colorado Cycling scene in mid 2013 with the cycling website, VeloHut. The intent of VeloHut, while cycling related, was never particularly clear and never gained much of a following. Sometime in 2014, Eagle began telling friends and followers that she had terminal cancer. Towards the end of 2015, she began transitioning over to a new site called MTBTime. Again, while the exact intent of the mountain biking website wasn’t particularly clear, her MTBTime Facebook Forum and Twitter account garnered a loyal local following. Eagle began inserting herself heavily into the Northern Colorado mountain biking scene. She joined and sponsored the Fort Follies, became a member of the Overland Mountain Bike Club, became one of the race directors of the 2017 Tooth or Consequences Mountain Bike Race and began attending cycling events and mountain bike advocacy meetings. During this time, her cancer went in and out of remission over and over again. She also allegedly suffered from such ailments as rattlesnake bites, broken bones, and heart issues. Her father supposedly had dementia and had a near death bout of the flu. She posted all of these issues to her personal Facebook page and shared many on the MTBTime forum. In early summer of 2017, friends began to question her story due to inconsistencies and suspicions. Shortly thereafter, they contacted the Larimer County Sheriffs’ office. The LCSO launched an investigation that lasted over a year and resulted in the above charges. Shortly after the investigation started, Eagle shut down the website and all MTBTime social media channels. She made several incendiary posts via her personal Facebook page claiming people were falsely attacking her credibility and that she did indeed have cancer. “I don’t need to prove I have cancer to anyone” she told a friend via text. Friends and acquaintances that weren’t privy to evidence and the depth of the accusations fiercely defended her. The community that had come together to support her was now being torn apart by her. For the next 12-14 months those that were defrauded by her met with each other to compare stories and to provide the LCSO with valuable evidence.
In addition to private gifts and thefts, the Fort Collins Cycling Community hosted the following fundraisers. This may not be a complete list.
New Belgium Cruiser auction hosted by Your Group Ride: YGR link– https://goo.gl/4LnBBm Ebay Link- https://goo.gl/HqJrUW
GoFundMe (dead link) https://www.gofundme.com/ntaj2tsk
YouCaring (archived link) https://goo.gl/LcRrMs
Big Head Short Track hosted by the Wounded Rider Program and Tom Carter– A $500.00 donation.
Bike Away Cancer Fundraiser, Silent Auction and bike gear Garage Sale hosted by Akinz https://www.facebook.com/events/1670477653276566/?active_tab=discussion
Other sites
Eagle is also affiliated with the http://www.rawcolorado.com/ and http://www.us-parks.com/ websites. There may be others.
Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Media Release (09/14/2018)
On September 14, 2018, Kristin Ashley Eagle (06/28/1973) of Loveland was arrested following a lengthy investigation involving charities fraud. Eagle was booked into the Larimer County Jail on the following allegations with a total bond of $10,000. A booking photo is attached.
Theft (Class 3 Felony)
Identity Theft x 2 (Class 4 Felony)
Charitable Fraud (Class 5 Felony)
Unauthorized Use of Financial Transaction Device (Class 5 Felony)
Forgery (Class 5 Felony)
In July 2017, the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by a man who felt he and others were being scammed by Eagle. Investigators learned Eagle told friends and acquaintances she had multiple serious medical conditions resulting in unpaid medical bills and her inability to pay for her own living expenses. Several community members decided to help Eagle by giving her money, organizing fundraising events, and creating GoFundMe accounts. Almost $20,000 was given to Eagle to help with her medical and other expenses.
Investigators also learned that Eagle used her serious medical conditions as a ploy to gain access to others’ bank accounts to manage, but instead moved and spent money from those accounts without permission. In all, Eagle took more than $100,000 from the accounts.
The investigation has revealed that Eagle was not suffering from any of the medical conditions she claimed and did not need the money for medical treatments or bills. LCSO investigators are aware of Eagle’s fraudulent acts dating back to 2015. If you believe you are a victim of fraud by Kristin Eagle, please contact Investigator Jacki Hurley at 970-498-5166.
The charges are merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until, and unless, proven guilty.