The Overland Mountain Bike Association (OMBA,) our local International Mountain BIke Associate (IMBA) chapter, has submitted a very comprehensive proposal to Larimer County Natural Resources on behalf of Northern Colorado Mountain Bikers with regards to their Horsetooth Mountain Open Management Plan Update. The plan was last updated in 2007.
You can learn more about the Horsetooth Mountain Open Space – Plan Update here.
You can see the full OMBA proposal here.
Overland Mountain Bike Association (OMBA) includes over 650 members and advocates for an estimated 30,000+ northern Colorado mountain bikers. The proposals contained in this document have been developed in collaboration with other mountain bike organizations and trail user groups.
OMBA has a long history of collaboratively engaging with all land agencies in northern Colorado to improve the natural surface trail experience for all users. This has included monetary support, countless volunteer hours, trail crew training, and trail design. In continuing with this tradition, OMBA is excited to support the management planning process for Horsetooth Mountain Open Space (HTMOS). HTMOS stands out as a unique and cherished resource for many members of our community, and especially OMBA members.
OMBA has developed a number of proposals to include in the HTMOS management plan update. These proposals are dispersed throughout HTMOS, but are aligned with four overarching objectives:
• Dispersing trail users and avoiding conflict
• Providing new/unique trail experiences in the region
• Improving trail access and connectivity
• Safety and land management
Proposals were formulated by gathering input from OMBA members, other trail user groups, Larimer County survey data, OMBA survey data and the general mountain biking community.
We all know that many people want to see “more trails”. By diving into survey data and having discussions with trail users, we have identified more precisely what kinds of trails and trail experiences most are looking for, not simply “more trails”.
The proposals contained in this document span from detailed suggestions on specific trails to conceptual corridors and policies. OMBA hopes these ideas provide discussion points for the future of HTMOS and how it can best be enjoyed by our community.
You can learn more about the Horsetooth Mountain Open Space – Plan Update here:
You can see the full OMBA proposal here.