I took the opportunity to reach out to Fort Collins Parks Planning and Development and Larimer County Natural resources to find out the status of the long-awaited Poudre River Trail. Once complete, the PRT will be over 40 miles in length (one way), from Bellvue, north of Fort Collins, to Island Grove Park in Greeley. It’s taken 40 years to get to this point.
There are currently three segments that need to be completed:
- From Arapahoe Bend Natural Area (Fort Collins) to/under I25 and connecting to the existing path on the east side of I25 near the Timnath Walmart.-This section has been designed and is expected to be completed in 2023 once CDOT is done with its I25 demolition and construction. As of May 2023, the portion under I25 is complete but not open to the public.
- From the CSU’s Environmental Learning Center to Arapahe Bend Natural Area (Fort Collins). -The city is in negotiations with the land owner/developer on this section of land. They are hopeful it will be constructed in 2023 but can’t guarantee it. Other routes are being considered.
- Kyger Reservoir in North Windsor to the Timnath Ranch subdivision in South Timnath. -This gap will also be constructed this year. It’s currently under review by C-DOT (as a funder of the project) but is on track to go out to bid this spring, with construction in summer and fall.
Thanks to Greg Oakes with Fort Collins Parks Planning and Development and Zac Wiebe with Larimer County’s Department of Natural Resources for filling us in.
See map for details.
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