As promised, the Poudre Trail is now open all the way from Watson Lake in Bellvue to the South side of Timnath. Over the past year, FtC Parks, Planning, and Development completed work near CSU’s Environmental Learning Center and Arapahoe Bend Natural Area, and CDOT finished the much anticipated I25 underpass. The 19.5-mile length of trail now runs without interruption along the Poudre River through Bellvue, Laporte, Fort Collins and Timnath. You can also ride roughly 20 miles from North Windsor to Greeley. Only a one-mile section between Timnath and Windsor remains to be stitched together before the entire 40+ mile Poudre River Trail is complete. Larimer County and its partners are working diligently to complete that final segment. They are confident it will be finished by Spring 2025.
PRT Information
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