Every kid deserves to have a bike of their very own and Realities for Children is in the midst of its annual winter bike drive. If you have new or very gently used kid’s bikes that you’d be willing to donate to Bikes for Tykes, please read on.

Realities For Children’s Bikes For Tykes program is one of our longest-running distribution programs, giving bicycles and new helmets to the children we serve, ages 2-17.
Each year, kind-hearted individuals, groups, and organizations donate new or gently used bicycles to our collection (although we will accept new bikes anytime during the year). Bikes are repaired and safety-checked at our local bike shop partners (listed below).
Then, on a happy day in December, the bikes are given to registered youth who are being served by one of our Partner Agencies. Every child is given a helmet to ensure safe riding. Bicycle mechanics are on hand to adjust seat heights properly, ensure tires are inflated, and assist with any other bicycle fixes.
Donate your gently-used bike to one of the participating bike partners listed below starting Nov 1 – Dec 3. (please, no rips, tears, or chipped paint)
Bikes are needed for children ages 2 to 17, with a high need of 24″+ bicycles for our teens.
Distribution day is December 9, Saturday. Volunteers aged 18 and above are needed for prep work before and after the event and on the day of.
Gently used bikes can be done from November 1st until December 2nd, 2023.
Recycled Cycles
4031 S. Mason St., Fort Collins
Breakaway Cycles
2237 W. Eisenhower Blvd., Loveland
The Gearage
142 Remington St., Fort Collins
The Phoenix Cyclery
1532 E. Mulberry St., Fort Collins
Trek Loveland
5745 McWhinney Blvd., Loveland
If you cannot transport your donated bike and need to arrange for pick-up, please call Alacrity Travel & Lifestyle at 970-224-9392 or email team@alacritytravel.com.
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