Here’s the announcement you’ve been waiting for, RioSwap 2020 pb Mike Weber- Keller Williams Real Estate will take place on SUNDAY, February 23rd from 4:00 to 8:00 pm. That’s correct, for year number 11, we’re moving to Sunday in the Agave Room. We also plan to have some very substantial giveaways happening on the hour, every hour, so stay tuned for more information on that. RioSwap is equal parts gear swap and cycling season kickoff party so round up your crew, a bunch of small bills and psych yourself up for some early season haggling. Entrance is free, vendor tables are $25.00 per table.
Items of Note:
The RioBar will be in full effect.
Even if you’re not buying, selling, or trading, you should swing by to socialize.
The nice thing about RioSwap is, the prices get better as the vendors continue to spend their newly found cash on RioMargs.
Big thanks to Mike Weber- Keller Williams Real Estate for coming on as our presenting sponsor. His support paired with the continued support of the Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant allow this even to go on free of charge.
This isn’t just limited to bikes, any outdoor gear is welcome.
Please, absolutely NO outside alcoholic beverages are allowed in the Agave room. Not only is this incredibly disrespectful to our hosts but it also puts the Rio’s liquor license in jeopardy.
What: RioSwap a gear swap and social event.
When: Sunday, February 23rd. 4:00 pm -8:00 pm. Doors open at 3pm for vendors
Where: the Agave Room above the Fort Collins Rio
How Much: FREE to enter, $25.00 to sell. The table must be reserved and paid for in advance.
Questions: Info@yourgroupride.com
Reserve a table:
Please click the following link to reserve a table. After you fill out the form, you will be asked for your PayPal or Venmo payment.
Info on our sponsors
Mike Weber -Keller Williams Real Estate
Husband, Father, Brother, Son, Mountain Biker, Traveler, Skier, Realtor
47+ year resident of Northern Colorado
20+ years in the Real Estate industry as a home builder, agent, agent trainer, and managing broker
B.S. Marketing from Colorado State University
Offering Real Estate sales and purchase consultation for primary residence, investment property, and recreational property.
Professionalism – Integrity – Results
Guiding buyers in finding and purchasing Fort Collins, Loveland, and Greeley area property and homes for sale.
Guiding Fort Collins, Loveland, and Greeley area sellers in pricing, marketing and selling their homes and properties.
Providing access to Fort Collins, Loveland, and Greeley area real estate listings.
Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant
We care about black beans. Seriously, we really do. That’s how the Rio all started.
Back around 1986, before handlebar mustaches, sleeve tattoos, and VanLife hashtags were a thing, three hippie friends and brothers from Texas packed up their van (#VanLife), and hopped around Mexico for a while. It was the combination of the good people cooking delicious black beans down there, and the good people with a craving for something different up here, that sparked everything the Rio stands for today.
Black beans not being a crop in Colorado, the three of them brought seeds to a farm in Longmont, and together everything grew from there. Shortly after, the Rio served the first fajita in the Rocky Mountain State. That was a cool day.
So yeah, black beans are pretty special to us. Maybe a little too special, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Fajitas, we consider them like you would a first-born child. No pressure, right? Our endless pursuit of the perfect plate of nachos is something we’ll always lose sleep over. Let us know what you think of our new take on them. And, if a day ever comes where we don’t make fresh salsa and fresh tortillas at the start of every shift, that’s the day we close our doors. Locally-sourced is what we were founded on long before everyone was at the farmer’s market. Because there are no shortcuts (we even fired a guy who said he could make the beans quicker).
That long, simple, delicious, journey through Mexico lives on in every dish we have and will ever make. At the same time, our eyes are peeled for the next inspiration to strike on another wild adventure. So, pull up a chair. Lower your guard. Enjoy some damn good TexMex with some damn good people. The only thing you can’t put a fork in is us because we’ll never be done.