Registration has opened for all of the Send Town Bike Club’s spring youth MTB programs. Brief information, including dates and prices for the Spring (HS & MS) Mountain Bike Program, Spring Muni Program, GrassRoots Program and Girls Only MTB Program, can be found below.
About Send Town
Send Town Bike Club is based out of Fort Collins, CO and it’s mission is to cultivate a lifelong passion for cycling through community and adventure. We focus on getting young and emerging riders comfortable with the fundamentals, and then we help them grow to whatever level they desire. From dirt to road to cross and more – our volunteer coaches have helped hundreds of riders develop their skills and confidence over the years.

Spring Mountain Bike Program (Middle & High School)
May 6 – weekend of June 3-4
The Spring Mountain Bike Program is for all skill levels of Middle School and High School students designed to develop confidence and ability in bike maintenance, riding and technical handling skills. All practices will be structured by age and ability. Each rider will have the opportunity to grow as an athlete and as an individual in a positive atmosphere.
Cost: $525.00 per rider
Spring Mountain Unicycle Program
Every Wednesday (4:30PM – 6:00PM) and Saturday (8:00 AM – 10:30 AM) from March 29, 2023 to April 29, 2023.
The Send Town mountain unicycle (muni) program is for unicyclists interested in mountain unicycling. No previous muni experience is required. However, due to the nature of off-road unicycling, some specific skills are required (see Requirements, on the Send Town site).
Fort Collins is superbly suited to muni. Beginner to expert level singletrack is abundant and accessible within minutes of town. Additionally, the typical trail length is perfect for muni. Rides in this program will range between 3 and 8 miles as class progression allows.
Cost: $150.00
SendTown GrassRoots Program (High School Only)
April 1 – weekend of July 7/8
The Send Town GrassRoots Program is for high school riders that want more mountain bike riding and racing experiences. As a grass roots racing program, riders will be fully supported at the races listed on the Send Town site.
This program is not intended to be a race specific or elite racing program. There are no race or performance expectations, nor will there be training schedules or outside of program training expectations.
The goal of the grassroots program is to give riders more structured ride time, build skills for riding and racing, becoming self-sustainable and safe while riding independently or with friends.
Cost: $1100.00 per rider.
Girls Only Spring Mountain Bike Program (Middle & High School)
May 6 – weekend of June 3-4
The Girls Only Spring Mountain Bike Program is for girls of all skill level, in Middle School and High School This program is designed to develop confidence and ability in bike maintenance, riding and technical handling skills. All practices will be structured by age and ability. Each rider will have the opportunity to grow as an athlete and as an individual in a positive atmosphere.
Cost: $525.00 per rider
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