I’m happy to report that thanks to a joint effort between YGR and Fort Collins Police Services, this Yeti will soon be on its way home to Pittsburg! Apparently, the owner was in Colorado last fall to do some riding when he had two Yetis jacked from the back of his vehicle outside of Odells. FCPS had already recovered and returned one of the bikes earlier this winter. I came across the second as I was rolling out on a gravel ride last weekend. It was leaning up against the side of one of my favorite bike chop shops, so I rolled some video of it, pulled a frame, and posted it to the internets. Nothing came up on Bike Index (please register your bikes with BI!), the Colorado stolen bike Facebook groups, or any of YGR’s socials which I thought was odd. That’s a $5000.00+ bike, someone had to be missing it. I provided the images, details, and location to our pal Jason Curtis with FtC PS, and they paid a visit to the house. After hearing the guy’s lame story about how he didn’t know whose bike it was, that it just showed up at his place, and since the main triangle serial number had been removed, the police took custody of it. Since the serial number had been removed, nothing came up in the initial records search. It wasn’t until Jason dug a little deeper and found the report of the two stolen Yetis from this fall that he had a lead. After contacting Yeti and cross-referencing the rear swingarm serial number, they were able to confirm it belonged to our guy in Pittsburg. One suspect has already been charged for pawning the first bike, so hopefully, charges will be filed with regard to the second.
This is the forth bike YGR has been directly involved in recovering and returning. You can read those other stories here.
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