Yesterday afternoon, Andrew Morris, Kade Kreikemeier and RJ Morris with the support of 25 other riders and Ciclismo Coaching staff, Everested Ford Hill. The suffering got underway on the fabled climb at 4:00 am and would continue for another 15.5 hours, wrapping up at 7:30 pm. The combined effort equaled 431 laps and a total of 267,220 feet climbed. The group effort raised over $2200.00 (and counting) in the name of endurance athlete Dave Krimstock for The Phoenix. Dave was a mentor and endurance mtb legend who suffered from addiction and that addiction ultimately took is life. We are The Phoenix, and since 2006, our free sober active community has inspired more than 26,000 people across America to believe they have the strength to rise from the ashes of addiction through the support of those who are walking that very same path. – The Phoenix
The Phoenix- https://thephoenix.org/about/
Donate- https://fundraise4phoenix2020.funraise.org/fundraiser/andy-clark
Ciclismo Coaching- http://ciclismocoaching.bike/
By the numbers:
Kade Kreikemeier 48 Everest
Andrew Morris 48 Everest
RJ Morris 48 Everest
1/2Everest +
Trace Fondy 42
Jackson Dale 30
Cade Shortridge 32
Cole McGinnis (Scout) 24
Gunner Johnson 24
10+ club
Brannan Fix 17
Cole Kreikemeier 17
Drew Milewski 15
Cole Swanson 10
Gavin Pollock 10
Kellie Kreikemeier 10 (2running)
Andy Clark 10
3+ club
Steve Dale 5
Jeremy Norris 4
Quinn Harmon 3
Jackson Menand 3
Randy Shortridge 2 running
Brad Kreikemeier 3 running
Supporting characters
Mike Sokol 7
Zack Woy 6
Olivia Cummings 2
Sara Sheets 3
Logan VonBokel 3
James Bethana 3
Mike Callahan 2