Club rates edited at 10:35am
The Boulder Valley Velodrome in Erie CO is in the midst of a soft opening. Zack Allison of the Source Endurance Training Center of the Rockies is rounding up interested Fort Collins racers to go in on a club membership. The Boulder Valley Velodrome under the lights. Photo: BVV Facebook Page. BVV club membership costs $15000.00 and includes; rental bikes, two scheduled track times a week, and a few other perks which are still being ironed out. Located under 45 minutes away, the BVV is considerably closer than the 7 Eleven Velodrome in Colorado Springs.
Racers would be able to ride on the illuminated track time between the hours of 7am and 11pm. The local club would cater to riders of all abilities. Even if you’ve never touched a track bike or seen a velodrome, you’re encouraged to join. According to Allison, “The track club will be great for everyone, beginners will be in a non judgmental club environment where they can learn from their club friends tips and tricks. Racer types will have the same track time to practice during the week and weekends and will have racing opportunities.” The goal of BVV is to have everyone registered, certified, and all club members to have their track time set up before April 1st.
The brand new track is still working through some start-up issues such as dew settling on the track between the morning hours. Officials expect this to subside once the sun starts getting a little higher in the sky.
Anyone even vaguely interested should join the Fort Collins Track Club Google Group for updates:!forum/fort-collins-track-club
Corporate and local team sponsors are also being sought to help offset the cost for members.
More information on the BVV can be found at: