Here it is, friends, your ultimate guide to the 2023 Tour de Fat. We’re talking schedules (festival and bands), maps (route and venue), emergency update info, and weather forecasts. The forecast for is looking pretty good so if you were on the fence about attending, there’s still time to get a costume ready and your bike decorated.

9:30 AM – 11:30 AM- Saturday, August 26th.
Free dollars
Start at City Park and loop Mountain Avenue
11 AM – 7 PM Saturday, August 26th.
Free dollars
New Belgium Brewing
500 Linden St., Fort Collins, CO
11:00 AM: Brewery doors open
1:00 PM: Welcome/Fashion Show
1:20 PM: YoYo Guy
1:50 PM: Chloe Somers
2:15 PM: Slow Ride
2:45 PM: Lady Denim
4:00 PM: Scot Nery
4:20 PM: Dance Contest/Finale
5:00 PM: Thee Sacred Souls
6:00 PM: Thank you and good night at the Main Stage
6:00 PM: Head up to the Voodoo Ranger Stage for Decker Rush
6:30 PM: Last call at the Liquid Center
7:00 PM: Time to head on home, or go visit one of the lovely downtown establishments
Additional Information
Get Emergency Alerts:
Text: tourdefat to 888777
FAQ and other deets via New Belgium:
Tour de Fat Info page.
Current Forecast:
As of 12 pm Friday, the forecast for Saturday via The Weather Channel looks a lil like this:
Time | Skys | Temp | Percent of Precip |
7:00 AM | Mostly Cloudy | 58° | 20% |
8:00 AM | Mostly Cloudy | 59° | 22% |
9:00 AM | Mostly Cloudy | 61° | 12% |
10:00 AM | Mostly Cloudy | 63° | 15% |
11:00 AM | Mostly Cloudy | 65° | 15% |
12:00 PM | Mostly Cloudy | 68° | 15% |
1:00 PM | Partly Cloudy | 69° | 15% |
2:00 PM | Partly Cloudy | 71° | 15% |
3:00 PM | Partly Cloudy | 72° | 15% |
4:00 PM | Partly Cloudy | 73° | 15% |
5:00 PM | Partly Cloudy | 73° | 10% |
6:00 PM | Partly Cloudy | 72° | 4% |
7:00 PM | Partly Cloudy | 70° | 4% |
8:00 PM | Partly Cloudy | 68° | 5% |
Parade Route & Directions to New Belgium
Venue Map

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