The state’s latest Safer at Home Order allows for up to 10 cyclists to ride together. I know everyone is excited to get back to group rides, races and other events, so I thought I would post an update with the state’s current order, YGR’s policy about announcing and promoting events during the pandemic and some general cycling-specific information provided by Dr Alan Schenkel.
YGR Policy as of 06/08/2020
YGR will not be deciding or announcing when any informal group rides (Worlds, WOR, the Oval, TTH….) will start (that’s not my decision of pandemic). I may however announce that those rides have been started by community members.
Feel free to use the YGR Facebook Forum to discuss if and when rides should start. I will announce the start of organized rides, races, and events as long as promoters are hosting events responsibly and are adhering to state and county guidelines.
As long as conditions allow, I may start promoting YGR TTs again in the near future. Stay tuned for details.
General Guidelines for group rides provided by Dr. Alan Schenkel
For what it’s worth, Dr Schenkel who is an immunologist will continue to avoid group rides and ride solo until more is understood about the virus and its transmission. This is the route I’ll be taking as well.
#1 Monitor yourself for any possible symptoms, take your temperature every day, even though some folks may have no fever when potentially infectious. If in doubt, don’t ride with others.
#2 Try not to draft, this is the most difficult part. Roadies will find this extremely difficult. Side by side is OK, but be aware of wind direction.
#3. Spread-out, especially on hard climbs. Hard exertions will cause people to release more aerosolized droplets from their airways.
#4 Be physically distanced (6-10 feet) at the start and stops and wear a mask. Wear a face covering if you can stand it while riding. That’s going to be difficult for those with asthma and when it is hot. At the very least, if encountering large groups of people on trails, pull a mask up until safely past.
#5 If you care for anyone who is high risk or elderly, consider not joining.
Colorado’s Safer at Home Order as of 06/08/2020
State- https://covid19.colorado.gov/safer-at-home/recreation
Larimer County- https://www.larimer.org/health/communicable-disease/coronavirus-covid-19/safer-home-phase-covid-19-pandemic-larimer-county-0
-Competitive events such as races and endurance events are allowed as long as social distancing and limitations on group size can be maintained. This includes implementing staggered start times and making efforts to prevent gatherings at starts and finishes, so that no more than 10 people are gathered at a time.
-Recreation of any kind can be conducted in groups of 10 or fewer, unless specified below, with participants spaced at least 6 feet apart, face coverings worn as feasible, and observation of appropriate disinfection and hygiene practices.
-Continue to physically distance, staying at least 6 feet from members of other households.
-Stay home other than getting tested if you are sick or have COVID-19 symptoms.
-Avoid recreating in public spaces if anyone in your household is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
-Encouraged to wear a mask while recreating.
-Bring hand sanitizer to clean hands when soap and water is not available.
-Spectators are strongly discouraged for adult sports. Spectators, like parents, are permitted for youth sports, so long as members from different households maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from each other.
-Maintain contact information and team rosters, and be prepared to support local public health contact tracing efforts if exposures occur.
-Do not share snacks or water, except in emergency situations.
-Games that require extensive travel are strongly discouraged.
-Practice social distancing of 6 feet from other households during drop off/pick up of players.
-Masks are encouraged where feasible (i.e. in dugouts, by coaches, by spectators)