All of the YGR QFCs thus far have been pretty mind-numbing with the total trainer time, the straight lines and the total heartbeat challenges and all. QFC IV will be a little more engaging, especially for you artist types. This week we’ll see who can create the most impressive Strava drawing (examples below). I may or may not open the results up for voting by the NoCo cycling community. Extra points for any YGR themed maps.
Competition dates: Starts 04/22/2020 and ends at noon on 04/29/2020. Extended until noon on Monday, May the 4th be with you.
Results submission (Strava link etc..): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeck32rBTRlH98Vq2bQg_K5LDqP4K-ZFg0Gg_J4Vtd7IqQQVA/viewform
How will the winner be identified? YGR community votes or YGR El Presidente decision.
You must be a NoCo/SoWyo resident, ex-pat or ‘rona virus refugee.
Prizes: TBD