After spending 30+ hours in the 1st City team van with Keith Deluca, on our way to and from Cyclocross Nationals in Reno, NV, I could have probably built this playlist myself but I figured I should let him have his fun. Keith races mtb and cross for the 1st Cycling Team and does stuff in a Biochemistry lab at CSU.
Favorite bike? Toss up between my cruiser (fixie with baskets and cruiser bars) and my MTB ( Specialized Epic). Both keep me smiling, regardless of where I’m riding.
Favorite ride? I don’t get to do it more than once a year, but the touch’em “all” ride I started doing a while back. I try and ride most of the single track within Coyote Ridge, Backbone, Bobcat Ridge, Horsetooth and Lory State Park. It finishes by going over the dams. It’s a long ride but it reminds me of how lucky we are living here in FoCo.
“What would you say you do here”?
I work at CSU where my wife and I run a lab in the Biochemistry Dept. Let’s be clear, it’s my wife’s lab, I just run around looking busy. Honestly though, it’s pretty great. We both have been doing cell biology all our adult lives and now we get the chance to do research and train students in our exciting field of mitosis…. I spend a lot of my time behind the microscope.
When do you listen to these? We’re fortunate in that we can listen to music in the lab, so these tunes are played throughout the day. The “kids” in the lab keep Pandora flush with new artists and luckily we all enjoy a broad spectrum of music (all but country music gets played, we have our limits). The selected songs I chose reflect that wide range of music, good for gettin pumped, single track riding or road trippin.