This week on 10 Tracks we’re leaning in to hear to what Lauren Nagle has blaring on her sweet, oversized 1970s earphones. If you don’t know Lauren, man, you’re missing out, contagious smile and always pumped to be stoked. She races with the Follies and is active in just about every other facet of FoCo cycling.
I don’t know how she does all this to be honest. To pay the bills; City of Fort Collins/FC Moves Intern; National Parks Service/Data Nerd; Safe Routes to Schools/Mechanic + Instructor; Fort Collins Bike Share/Mechanic + Community Ambassador. To improve her Karma as a volunteer, she wrenches at the Murphy Center every Friday with the Homeless Gear crew, is an instructor at the Fort Collins Bike Co-op’s Werk Nights (Women’s + LGBTQ* wrench sessions) and is on the board at the Bike Co-op.
Favorite bike: My first love, Big Red. She’s a 1990s era red and yellow Cannondale M300, maintained with the finest recycled parts from the Bike Co-op.
Favorite ride: “Juicy Bits Fondo”, a monthly ride I do to check off my Strava fondo challenge. Fort Collins to Weldworks in Greeley on the Poudre Trail and back (technically more than a fondo, but you’ll get over it because there is beer).
When do you listen to these: This is my standard cool down/stretch/shower mix. I am sure my neighbors and roommates are sick of hearing me sing the same songs over and over again in the shower, but that won’t stop me.