After its title sponsor went bankrupt last year, the Peloton Cycling Team found itself in a tight spot. Thankfully team management was able to weather the storm by securing Jax Outdoor Gear as a powered by sponsor. The team is now known as the Horsetooth Cycling powered by Jax Outdoor Gear. Most of the roster stays the same and many of the previous sponsors stuck around.
Team info is below.
• Goals: Participation and advocacy/ambassadors for our sponsors at local events. Volunteering and racing/riding in events all across the calendar from crits to gravel, and even being lead riders for local runs. We’re here to have a good time, no other major pressure here.
• Membership – We are recruiting cyclists of all types, any skill level, any age, any gender. We are equal opportunity riders; we just want you to ride with us and be a great part of the cycling community! Contact Enrique Lopez if interested in joining us enriquerlopez@gmail.com
• Current team race targets: Leadville (Dean and Tyson), Robidoux Gravel (Alan), Breck Bash (Enrique), CSU race weekend (Sterling), local grassroots races like YGR’s time trials and 4SOH, and FoCo Fondo.
• Leadership for 2020 are: Enrique Lopez (El Presidente), Alan Schenkel (VP of Miscommunications), Lee Rhodes (VP of Accounting & Philosopher in Residence), and Richie & Ally Fiscus (Jax Outdoor Gear).
Jax Outdoor Gear – https://www.jaxgoods.com/outdoor-gear Our Bike Shop!
Bindle Coffee – https://bindlecoffee.com/ the Old Elk latte is awesome
Canyon Bakehouse – https://canyonglutenfree.com/ Gluten Free Bread available at King Soopers, Whole Foods, Target, and most other grocery stores in the area
Jessup Farm Barrelhouse – http://www.jessupfarmbarrelhouse.com/ We recommend the Wood Knot, 4 year Anniversary, Feats of Strength, or Transfer Day IPA
Bucking Horse Community – https://www.buckinghorseapartments.com/
Protrace Solutions – https://www.protracesolutions.com/ Food production ERP based here in Fort Collins
Rhodes Consulting International – our CPA asking us the hard questions
Specialized Bikes – https://specialized.com
Jamis Bikes – https://www.jamisbikes.com
Try to keep up
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HorsetoothCycling/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/horsetoothcycling/