
The Larimer County planning commission will hear concerns with regards to a new gravel pit being planned for North Overland Trail, a popular section of road for cyclists, on Wednesday April 18th at 6:30pm. The hearing will take place at the Larimer County Courthouse hearing room, located at 200 West Oak St in Fort Collins. If you have concerns about the safety of a proposed 300+ trucks per day entering or exiting the facility, you should consider attending the hearing.


It is YGR’s opinion that not only will 1 truck entering or exiting the facility every 2 minutes have a negative effect on the safety and enjoyment of riding in the area for the next 10 years, these gravel trucks will fill the shoulders of North Overland Trail with gravel debris from the pit.  Cyclists will undoubtedly and legally choose to ride further to the left in the roadway to avoid the gravel which can cause crashes and flat tires, this will cause an increase in driver vs cyclist conflicts especially on the uphill grade. Please attend this hearing if you can.