Wil “2 Phones” Gavato, what to say about this dude…. Currently in a mountain bike phase, he has put in some of the most impressive solo efforts on Wednesday Night Worlds that I’ve ever seen and now he’s started picking up MTB wins. After a short stint in Utah working for Backcountry.com and POC, he’s back in the Fort harassing us. Listen to his 10 Tracks below.
Favorite bike: Fuji SLM Hardtail. Pink accents and fast TT bike.
Favorite ride: Some combination of Masonville, Eden Valley, and Carter Lake, lots of options and different ways to do it plus birds of prey and bald eagles #murica
Employer: Snappin’ necks and cashin’ checks! (SAFEbuilt, Accounts Receivable)
When do you listen to these: on the trainer, in the gym, rollin to the trailhead, and on the way to king sooper’s or walmart!