Remington Greenway Open House

Tuesday, February 11 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 305 E. Elizabeth St.

What is a “greenway?” Why are we talking about it? How can we apply new ideas to Remington Street? How do we better use our existing streets without widening them? 


The Remington Greenway project will allow the City to test new ideas like buffered bike lanes, intersection calming, drainage swells, rain gardens, curb ramps, pedestrian bulb-outs, and sidewalk enhancements. 

Join City of Fort Collins staff at this opportunity to learn about green streets and how they can benefit you, receive a project overview, ask questions, and provide feedback on potential improvements to Remington Street between Mountain Avenue and Prospect Road.


For more information about upcoming events, please, or contact Lori Bichler at 970-221-6705  Click here for the event flyer.


Si necesita ayuda con traducción o interpretación en Español sobre la Vía Verde de Remington (“Remington Greenway”), por favor llame a Ana Arias al 221-6264. 


2014 Bicycle Plan Wikimap

Using an interactive map, show us where you ride, problem areas, recommended locations for bike parking and bike share stations! Your input will help inform the Bike Plan recommendations.


Clickhere for the wikimap.  For more information on the Bike Plan update, please visit:




Citywide Planning Projects Open House


Thursday, February 20 from 4:30 to 7:00pm

 at West Classrooms in Museum of Discovery

Provide input on multiple City projects/plans including the 2014 Bicycle Master Plan, Bike Share, the Remington Greenway and Midtown in Motion.