The City of Fort Collins is currently developing a Vision Zero Action Plan. The Plan will identify specific actions for the City to take in the next ten years to achieve Vision Zero and eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on the city’s transportation network. The Plan will take a data-driven approach to identify crash trends and develop a High-injury Network (HIN) where a disproportionate number of crashes led to fatalities and serious injuries. The actions in the Plan address safety issues in these crash trends and the HIN.
The Fort Collins Vision Zero Action Plan is being developed collaboratively by City staff across multiple departments. A Technical Advisory Group that represents a diverse cross-section of the Fort Collins government and local and statewide organizations was formed to guide the development of the Plan and prioritize action items. Additionally, feedback from the larger Fort Collins community has guided the development of the Plan. This included presentations to and feedback from various City boards and committees and outreach efforts for previous plans of the Fort Collins’ transportation system.
Draft Plan
The draft Vision Zero Action Plan is open for public comment from December 9th, 2022 to January 6, 2023. Use the link below to view the draft document and make comments directly to the draft Plan, or use the comment box below. The project team will review and incorporate your feedback into the final Plan.
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