In celebration of International Women’s MTB Day, Overland Mountain Bike Association will host the All NoCO Women’s Ride at Soapstone. The ride will take place on Saturday May 6th at 8am. Full details below.

In celebration of International Women’s MTB Day, Overland Mountain Bike Association presents the All NoCO Women’s Ride
We want to bring together all of the women who mountain bike in Northern Colorado! This is your opportunity to meet new riding friends and learn about the different women’s groups in Fort Collins and surrounding areas.
We’ll split up into smaller groups based on fitness and distance with dirt ambassadors leading the way.
Our hope is that everyone makes new connections to build our riding community even stronger!
- What: All NoCO Women’s MTB Ride – 90 minute to 2 hour rides
- Who: Any person who identifies as a woman
- When: Saturday May 6th @ 8am
- Where: Soapstone Prairie Natural Area – park in first lot to the left past entrance booth
- What to bring: a bike in good working condition, helmet, riding gear appropriate to weather, sunscreen, water, snacks, fix-a-flat & small repair needs
- WHY: To build our women’s riding community stronger!
**Parking is free at Soapstone, but we suggest carpooling if possible. King Soopers on N College is a great location to meet up.
**Event is weather and trail condition dependent, make up date may be announced if needed.
**OMBA is hosting, but not responsible for injuries or mechanicals that may happen due to the dangerous aspect of mountain biking. Ride within your limits and be responsible for your actions.
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