Coach AC (Andy Clark) with Ciclismo Coaching has released his youth programming for the 2023 season. This summer will feature a national mtb racing program, a local (Colorado) mtb program, and the Colorado High School Cycling League program. Each of these programs will include fitness and skills coaching, practices led by local mtb experts, and support at races. See each program for information on dates, ages, prices, coaches, and more.
Contact AC:
AC coaches all cycling disciplines and athletes of any age. Be sure to reach out with questions.

MTB National Racing Program
Basic Information:
- This is THE program implementing all of Coach Andy’s training and coaching tools to progress Ciclismo athletes. The program encompasses a combination of strength training, road riding, road racing, MTB skills and racing and national and local event support. The program is open to athletes from 14 to 23 years years of age. We will be supporting athletes at three UCI races as well as local racing in Colorado. Races are not mandatory and goals vary by athlete. We build a program for each Ciclismo athlete to progress and reach their individual goals.
- March 22- July 22.
- 17 weeks
- $1750
Program Includes:
- Physiological testing.
- Setting up & monitoring training zones.
- 24/7 Access to personalized training online via Training Peaks Site & Apps.
- Ongoing monitoring and support via Text, Email, Phone, and In-Person (when needed).
- Support at three National UCI races as well as local Colorado races.
- In-Person practices Tues 2hr, Thurs 2hr, Sat 3-4hrs
- The program includes support at the following national races in addition to local race support. Some races are still being finalized.
- OZ Trails US Pro Cup UCI Junior Series XCO
April 12-16 - SOHO Bike Fest UT
May 5-7 - Montana Missoula XC
June 8-10 - National Championships
Dates TBD - Local races- TBD
- Practices Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
- Practices will be on MTB and Road/Gravel bikes.
- Tues 2hr, Thurs 2hr, Sat 3-4hrs.
- Andy Clark
- Isa Naschold
- Brannan Fix
- Jeremy Norris
- Registration opens on February 6th.
- Clothing order final on February 15th.
- Ages 14-23.
- 20 spots available.
MTB Local Racing Program
Basic Information:
- This program is for boys and girls between 13 and 18 years of age who are interested in racing mountain bikes. It will act as a skills and fun first milieu designed around athlete and community development. All racing will take place in Colorado.
- May 20- July 24
- 8 weeks
- $750
Minimum of four Colorado races.
- MGXC – Elbert, CO (?)
May 29, 2023 - GoPro Mountain Games Vail, CO
June 8, 2023 - Colorado State MTB
Copper Mountain, CO
July 8-9, 2023 - Winter Park races TBA
Summer 2023
- Practices Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
- Practices will be on MTB with programming for all levels of athletes.
- Andy Clark
- Suzie Livingston
- Tayne Andrade
- Cole Swanson
- Tristen West
- Registration Opens on March 27.
- Clothing order April 7
- Ages 13-18 (going into 8th-12th grade)
- 30 spots available
- Cost $750
High School MTB Program
Basic Information:
- This program is open to all Northern Colorado High school athletes, regardless of ability or high school, who are interested in racing the Colorado High School Cycling League mtb races in the Fall of 2023.
- This is an inclusive community program. Over the last 13 years of coaching high school, we have created a community where athletes of all levels are welcome to participate, progress, and develop as humans. Whether your goal is to finish your first high school mountain bike race or to win the state championship, our coaches are here to help! We have a lot of fun and learn a lot too!
- August 5th- October 23.
- 11 weeks
- $1050.00
Program Includes:
- Four Colorado High School Cycling League mtb races plus State Championships.
- Practices Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
- Practices will be on MTB skills and fitness with programming for all levels of athletes.
- Andy Clark
- Jeremy Jonson
- Shawn Pollock
- Shane Corbin
- Jeremy Noris
- Suzie Livingston
- Tayne Andrade
- Tristen West
- Registration Opens May 1st
- Clothing Order June 6th (Estimated) combined with MTB Local Program
- Rocky Mountain High School MTB Program Cost $1050
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