Building community one athlete at a time.
Despite this stinkin’-stupid coronavirus outbreak, Ciclismo Coaching is staying busy working with the future of NoCo mountain biking with the Ciclismo Racing team, a junior development mountain bike racing team based in Fort Collins and ran by Andy Clark. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be introducing you to all 14 of the riders. Here are the first four.
From Coach Andy Clark:
It’s hard for me to remember back to the 1980s, but I can’t imagine being locked in the house with my parents for months as a teenager, ouch!
Here at Ciclismo Racing we can’t have in-person bike practices and we can’t go to bike races, so we’ve worked to re-create our programming online and on the trails. We are supporting our athletes to be outside, engaged, and striving for excellence. We have 18 athletes and 4 coaches. Our future racing is uncertain, so we are focusing on the joy of riding our bikes and the reward that hard work brings. I look forward to introducing you to all of these amazing young athletes. Please keep your distance and give a thumbs up when you see them out on the trail.
Thanks for being part of our community you can follow us on Instagram @ciclismo_coaching
Andy Clark

Name: Gavin Pollock
Age: 15
Goal: Top 10 overall for sophomores during Highschool MTB season….if there is one
Favorite ride: Riding 18 road in fruita for my birthday
Most fun i’ve had on my bike: Ripping around curt gowdy with the team for hours on a weekend! Gavin has already been racing for 5 years and brings a wealth of experience to his racing. He is working hard and setting PR in training.

Andres Morris
Age: 14
Goal: Keep having fun on my bike
Favorite ride: Porcupine Rim Moab
Andrew will be a freshman next year and is excited to see what is possible! He just set a top 10 time up towers and says he is just getting started!

Tracy Fondy
Age: 14
Goal: Working on race strategy
Most fun I ever had on a bike was riding my enduro bike in Moab in a hailstorm!
Trace was Colorado State Champion 13/14 CX last session and just set a top 10 time up Towers! His development is right on target.

Name: Cole Swanson
Age: 15
In Fort Collins Favorite Ride: Towers, Carey Springs, Loggers, Sawmill.
Out of Town Fav Ride: Baker’s Tank, Nightmare on Baldy, Barney Ford, Barney Flow
A Goal I Am Working On: Improving my Strength and Stamina For Racing
The Most Fun I Have Had On My Bike: El Alto plus the double black reroute in Curt Gowdy
Cole is putting in his best preparation ever and just set a PR to Cary Springs!

Jackson Delich 17
Goal: Work on Endurance to be able to sustain good power!
Favorite ride: Haymaker in Eagle
Most fun I had on my bike… I just enjoy being able to race and the ability to be outside and ride! Jackson will be a Senior and is hoping for a final session of high school to continue his growth!