Stover Street Open Streets
Where: Stover St. from Stuart St. to Horsetooth Rd.
When: Sunday, August 28, 2022
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE for participants! Participants will have the opportunity to listen to free, live music, engage in free, participatory arts and culture activities, and connect with local organizations and businesses that each host free activities
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At Open Streets, participants can expect 1-2 miles of car-free, family-friendly streets. Participants are encouraged to Ride the Route and explore areas called “Activity Hubs”- temporary clusters of activity provided by local businesses and organizations. Open Streets routes are generally considered walkable and bikeable, and include attractive neighborhood elements such as parks and other key destinations like churches, schools, and commercial centers.
Open Streets events aim to show participants that travelling by bike, foot, scooter, and other active, car-free transportation modes can be comfortable, easy, and a healthy alternative to driving. Activity Hubs are strategically located throughout the event route to encourage movement along the entire route, although participants can also visit only a portion of the route for a fun-filled, relaxed experience. Each Hub is unique: they could include live music, local food trucks, health- and wellness-inspired activities, and participant-made art! The possibilities are endless at Open Streets.