The Ciclismo Youth Foundation and Dylan Canfield in cooperation with On the Edge Tuning will be hosting an in-depth unicycle program this February. This program is designed to introduce children and adults, alike, to unicycling and several unicycling disciplines recognized by the International Unicycling Federation (IUF) and the Unicycle Society of America (USA). The first half of the program focuses on the fundamentals of unicycling — riding, turning, and freemounting. While the second half of the program focuses on refining those skills through fun and engaging activities, like sumo wrestling, basketball, hops, spins, trick mounts, and off-road riding.
Each week will consist of one 3 hour lesson (Saturday) and one 90 minute lesson (Wednesday). Each lesson will conclude with a shortlist of skills for the students to practice. Students will be expected to practice an average of 1-3 hours per day between each lesson.
A program presentation will take place on January 14th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm at On the Edge Tuning- 903 N College Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80524. At the presentation students will see unicycle demonstrations, receive their unicycle (if purchased), get their unicycle sized, and get other specific information about the program. You do not need to attend the program presentation to take part in the program although it is highly encouraged.
No skills will be taught during the program presentation.
The actual program will take place Saturdays from 9:00 am-12:00 pm and Wednesdays from 5:00-6:30 pm, location TBD.
Registration Information
Registration is available at the program presentation on Jan 14th.
Registration opens on Jan.10th and closes at midnight on January 17th.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/unicycle-skills-program-registration-88739930521
Program Pricing and Unicycle Sizes:
-You have a unicycle: $150
-20″ Unicycle: $250- high-quality lifetime unicycle for flat land and mountain.
-24″ Unicycle: $350 – high-quality lifetime unicycle for flat land and mountain.
-27.5″ Unicycle: $350 -high-quality lifetime unicycle for flat land and mountain.
-27.5″ Advanced Mtn Uni (Aluminum frame/disc brake): $600- This option only for those that like to have the best of what money can buy within what we offer. This option with aluminum frame and disc brake offers more diverse and advanced skills use. If your into that type of thing down the road or up the mountain.
Renegade Unicycles- https://tinyurl.com/ydkg356e
Skills Included:
-Learning to ride a Unicycle
-Technical skills of turning, stop and hop, figure 8’s
-Free mount… Starting without holding onto something.
-Outside of practice: On your own practice encouraged.
-1-3 hrs per day on non-scheduled practice days(if you can).
*There is the intention of a second program for Mountain Unicycling pending the success and interest of this program.–
More about Dylan
Dylan has been riding unicycles for 19 years. Dylan’s favorite unicycling discipline is mountain unicycling (muni), but he also dabbles in road/distance riding and street riding (imagine doing tricks at the skatepark). You may have seen Dylan riding his unicycle at the CYF Cyclocross races or on the Lory/Horsetooth trail system. Dylan organized the 2016 and 2017 Colorado Mountain Unicycle Festivals in Winter Park and Fort Collins, respectively. In 2019, Dylan hosted the North American Unicycle Competition and Convention (NAUCC) in Fort Collins. In addition to serving as the host, Dylan was also the Mountain Unicycle Director — selecting the courses for Uphill, Downhill, and Cross Country muni competitions. Keep an eye out for Dylan on the local singletrack. His favorite local muni trails are Wathen, Upper Timber, and Blue Sky.