I’m happy to announce that changes planned for the connector path between Fossil Creek path and Country Road 38E (Harmony Road) have been paused. The city and county will revisit the plans at a future date as they work to improve cyclist, pedestrian, and driver safety along the Harmony Road corridor. YGR went on record with Fort Collins Parks Planning and Development opposing these changes for safety reasons and is grateful that they decided to pause the project. Future updates will be posted to the Parks Planning and Development website at a later date.
If you see me out there sweeping or shoveling the asphalt connector be sure to say hi.
Fort Collins Parks Planning and Development Statement
“The proposed improvements to the Fossil Creek Trail and CR38E have been put on pause at this time. The City of Fort Collins and Larimer County made this decision collectively to ensure any future improvements fully address safety for vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians who use the trail. As plans for the trail are developed, information will be shared via the website.”
Paused Original Plan
Trail user safety improvements at the intersection of Fossil Creek Trail and County Road 38E are being planned. Improvements will include:
- Fencing to direct trail users to safer access to CR 38E
- Improved trail signage
These improvements will help alleviate trail and vehicle conflicts at CR 38E as well as trail user conflicts at the 90-degree corner of the Fossil Creek Trail. Improvements are planned to begin in July 2022 and finish in August 2022.
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