On Tuesday, March 14th, the Fort Collins City Council will begin discussing what to do with the former Hughes Stadium property. They recently released their agenda packet for Tuesday’s Work Session; it includes the results from a five-month study conducted by the consulting company Kearns and West. The 57-page packet includes the results from public surveys and focus group meetings. While there is strong support for a bike park, it isn’t the only purpose presented.
You can read the full Kearns and West Hughes Engagement Report, the minutes from boards & commissions and the Kearns and West presentation via the link below.

I have an email out to Sylvia Tatman-Burruss, the Sr. Project Manager, to find out the next steps in the process. I will also be at the Work Session on Tuesday. Stay tuned.
You can watch the March 14th work session live here. The public is not allowed to participate or comment during City Council Work Sessions.
If you haven’t emailed the mayor and city council yet, please do so via this cityleaders@fcgov.com

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