Larimer County wants to hear your opinions about transportation and potential funding options. They are considering a ballot measure to add a 0.15% or 0.25% sales tax (15 or 25 cents on a $100 purchase) and dedicate the funds to transportation. Please review the data below (much more on the website) and take the survey (there are several questions regarding cycling and pedestrian safety and infrastructure).
- “In 2024, a residential property valued at $600,000 will pay a total of $794 dollars to fund Larimer County services. Of that $794, $15 is collected for road and bridge maintenance and improvement activities. Finally, due to state statutes, Larimer County is mandated to send ~40% of that $15 to the cities and towns in the County, leaving $9 of the total property tax payment available for County transportation purposes.”
- “No sales tax dollars in Larimer County go toward maintaining or improving County roads.”
- “Currently, no sales tax or property tax dollars in Larimer County go toward transportation improvement projects for county roads.”
- “Funding for transportation improvements on Larimer County’s road system comes from the state and federal gas tax, outside funding through grants and partnerships, transportation impact fees on new development, and a very small amount of local funding.”
- “The annual average cost to maintain Larimer County’s roads and bridges over the past 10 years was approximately $22 million annually. Larimer County uses several stable funding sources to maintain County Roads including: specific ownership tax (on vehicle purchases) and motor vehicle registrations, the federal and state gas tax, and a small portion of property tax.
However, County Road improvements have limited funding through the federal and state gas tax, capital expansion fees (paid by new development), and outside grants and contributions. Larimer County has a strategic objective to identify a dedicated funding source for transportation improvement projects.”

Larimer County is conducting a public opinion survey to understand voters’ opinions about transportation and potential funding options.
Even with decades of responsible budget management, Larimer County’s transportation needs exceed the available funding for maintenance of and enhancements to the transportation system.
Larimer County has a strategic objective to identify a dedicated funding source for transportation improvement projects.
We want to know your opinion. CLICK HERE to take our survey. You’re input is important to us, please compete the survey by April 21, 2024.
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