Reese Ruland’s Old Flowers Offroad event has gone virtual in response to the ongoing pandemic. The scavenger hunt benefiting The Cycle Effect and featuring prizes from Velocio, Wahoo, Cervelo, Topo, Skratch and Fat Tire will take place on August 22nd. Details below.
Website: https://oldflowersoffroad.weebly.com/virtual-challenge.html
Old Flowers Offroad Virtual Competition
We wish that everyone could come out to Fort Collins to ride some of our favorite roads, but given the threat of COVID 19, it would be irresponsible to have people travel for something non-essential. However, we still want to encourage everyone to ride and donate to The Cycle Effect. Which is why we are making the 2020 Old Flowers Off Road a virtual challenge. Below we’ve laid out the challenge, the rules, and the prizes.
On August 22nd, we want anyone participating in the Virtual Old Flowers Off Road to go on a bit of a social distancing scavenger hunt in their home town on their home roads. Take photos of the listed items below, tag @reeseruland and @thecycleeffect on Instagram and use the hashtag #OFOR2020 to be entered in the challenge. One male and female winner will be chosen.
-Velocio Gift Card
-Wahoo Fitness Roam
-Cervelo Swag
-Topo Designs Pack
-Skratch Labs Hydration Mix
-Fat Tire Swag
The Challenge
Please take photos for proof and post to Instagram to be considered for entry. Remember to tag @reeseruland and @thecycleeffect on Instagram and use the hashtag #OFOR2020 to be entered in the challenge. Winners will be messaged directly on August 23rd.
-Proof of donation to The Cycle Effect (size of donation does not matter, anything helps)
– Ride at least 50 miles
-Photo of someone eating a pop-tart
-Bike Against a Bathroom/Porta Potty
-Nominate/tag or post a photo of a woman in your life who you admire for her strength 🙂 Bonus points for stating WHY this person is so important to you.