By Tessa Greegor
FC Bikes program manager
The city is developing a comprehensive Bicycle Master Plan to shape the future of bicycling in Fort Collins. The plan envisions Fort Collins as a world-class city for biking; a city where people of all ages and abilities have access to a comfortable, safe and connected network of bicycle facilities; a city where bicycling is an integral part of daily life and the local cultural experience.
On July 30, the city will host a Bicycle Master Plan Open House to share initial recommendations for the future of bicycling, based on best practices from around the world and input from around 2,000 local residents who’ve shared their thoughts through community bike audits; an online survey and WikiMap; a citywide transportation open house; a bike plan update open house; a visioning workshop with advocates, city departments, and business leaders; an interactive exhibit at the Lesher Middle School Tour de Fit; and most recently, Bike to Work Day.
We also are taking into account recommendations made by the League of American Bicyclists, or LAB, bicycle friendly community specialist, who recently was in town. He toured Fort Collins by bike, both solo and with a group of stakeholders. Afterward, he shared many suggestions about how Fort Collins can improve conditions for all levels of cyclists.
At the open house, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the city’s proposed approach to developing a low-stress bicycle network, including recommended locations for future improvements and state-of-the-art bikeway designs to create a comfortable environment for bicycling. We’ll share strategies for developing a wayfinding system to help people safely navigate to destinations around town; new bicycle program ideas to increase safety and promote a culture of respect and responsibility among all transportation system users; how we’re proposing to advance public transit through an expanded bike share system; and much more.
Stop by anytime between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Columbine Room at the Lincoln Center for an engaging, informative and family-friendly open house. And, of course, it will be another chance for you to make sure your voice is heard.
If you can’t make it to the open house, bring your family and friends to the city’s inaugural Open Streets event on Laurel and Whedbee from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. FC Bikes will have a Bicycle Master Plan booth at the event. It will be another place you can share your thoughts about our new bicycling plan. The Open Streets event also will feature fun and healthy activities that will take place in the street. You won’t want to miss it.
For more information about the Bicycle Master Plan, visit, and to learn more about Open Streets, visit
Tessa Greegor is the FC Bikes program manager, a Bicycle Ambassador ( and a League Cycling instructor.