In collaboration with CooperSmith’s Pub and Brewing, Overland Mountain Bike Association announced the release of their new Overland Trail Beer. OTB is American Pale Ale developed by CooperSmith’s head brewer, Chris McCombs. The ale’s development started in February with discussions between Chris and the OMBA team, brewing started in March and it was ready by April. OTB (aka: Over The Bars, Off The Back, and Off Track Betting…) is described as having a slight haziness and combines biscuit and caramel malt flavors with citrusy, tropical hop aromas. OTB will initially be available at Coop’s, then Road34, and spread to other Northern Colorado locations. According to Bearden, this is a long-term partnership with no specified end date for the campaign. The best part, $1 from every pint of OTB goes straight to OMBA, our local IMBA chapter, to build and maintain local trails. Dave Dixon, executive director of Bike Fort Collins, and Kenny Bearden, executive director of Overland, enjoyed the first official pours at the brewery on Monday evening. CooperSmith’s is owned by local cycling legend Dwight Hall. Hall won the 2017 Marathon Mountain Nationals 50-54ag, and teamed up with Steve Stefko to win the 100+ duo ag at Breck Epic. He’s also pretty ok on the road.
OMBA will host an OTB Release Happy Hour at Coop’s on Friday, April 28th, from 4-6 pm.

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