The city announced this week that construction on the Siphon Pedestrian Overpass will begin this Fall and will be completed by Summer 2025. The much-anticipated overpass will connect SE Fort Collins to the Power Trail via the recently completed Mail Creek Trail by going over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks.
The Power Trail Underpass at Harmony Road is slated to open at roughly the same time. Construction on that project will begin in the Spring of 2025.

Southeast Fort Collins has historically lacked a connection to the rest of the City’s trail system. The Siphon Pedestrian Overpass, coming in 2025, will change that by connecting the City’s new Mail Creek Trail to the existing Power Trail.
The Siphon Pedestrian Overpass will serve as a pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks between Harmony Road and Trilby Road. The overpass is being constructed in response to significant demand from nearby neighborhoods, schools and businesses; the new bridge will create a safe connection near the middle of what’s currently a two mile long gap of connectivity between Harmony and Trilby. The new Mail Creek Trail, opened in 2024, now connects the intersection of Zephyr and Tilden to the site of the Siphon Pedestrian Overpass – passing behind Bacon Elementary and the City’s new Schoolside Park (opening 2025) and beneath Timberline Road to create a safe future connection to the Power Trail. The Power Trail is one of the City’s most important north-south trails, connecting to the Spring Creek Trail on the north end (near Prospect and Timberline) and to the City of Loveland’s trail system on the south end (near Carpenter and Lemay).

Project cost: $4 million
This project will cost $4 million to complete, leveraging funding from these sources:
- Multi-Modal Options Fund Grant: $500,000
- City of Fort Collins Community Capital Improvement Program Sales Tax: $2.2 million
- Transportation Capital Expansion Fee: $500,000
- City of Fort Collins Park Planning & Development: $800,000
More information here.

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