With 150 miles, 8.5 hours and 72677 beats I thought Wolfgang Bangerth, the creator of this particular competition, had QFCIII in the bag, that was until Keith Jenson submitted his results. Keith rode 188 miles of NoCo gravel to get 106,396 total beats. That’s an average of 134 beats per minute for over 14 hours. I bet he’s feeling that one today. Congrats Keith.
QFC IV deets dropping soon.
QFC III Results
Keith Jensen | 106,396 | https://www.strava.com/activities/3328952125 |
Wolfgang Bangerth | 72677 | https://www.strava.com/activities/3324468714 |
Bryce Pfuetze | 53725 | https://www.strava.com/activities/3324093515 |
QFC III Details
Alight, you guys can thank Wolfgang Bangerth for this one. All you have to do to win this QFC is submit the ride with the most total heartbeats. You can do it outside or on the trainer, on a mtb, gravel or road ride, no men’s or women’s categories. Just ride for X number of minutes and multiple that by your average heart rate.
Competition dates: Starts 04/14/2020 and ends at noon on 04/21/2020.
Results submission (Strava link etc..): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeck32rBTRlH98Vq2bQg_K5LDqP4K-ZFg0Gg_J4Vtd7IqQQVA/viewform
How to calculate: Average heart rate multiplied by total minutes ridden.
Prizes: TBD
QFC II Winner
“Ride your bike in a straight line for as many consecutive miles as possible”
Nate Petter with 70 miles.
QFC I Winner
“Longest time on a trainer”
Marie Walsh with 5hrs.