Tune into the most recent 10 Tracks to hear what Alex Broyhill, the sales manager at the Fort Collins Trek shop, has on his playlist. Alex came to Fort Collins from Boone, NC, to run Trek North and took over as the sales manager when the shops were consolidated. Alex spent eight years in the Army before getting into the cycling industry nine years ago.

When do you listen to these? Mostly when driving or riding the trainer
Favorite bike? Trek 520
Favorite ride? Any gravel in the Granfather mountain district of Pisgah National Forest
Preferred style of riding? Gravel and road
Years in NoCo? (City?) 3 year (Fort Collins)
Employer/title/years there? Trek Fort Collins/ Sales Manager/ 3
Hometown? Boone, NC
Team name if applicable. 1st City Cycling
How do you take your coffee? Black. Has to be a true medium roast…if it’s too light or too dark then I’ll politely decline.
Who influenced your taste in music? My friend Matt in middle school, we shared a love of the band Smashing Pumpkins. He introduced me to whole world of underground music that most kids our age didn’t know of. We would challenge each other to find the most obscure bands.
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