This week’s 10 Tracks DJ is equally comfortable at the skate park as he is throwing down sprints during the local road group rides. Alfred Querubin moved to Fort Collins from Manila, Philippines, in 2003, graduated from CSU in 2015 and now works remotely for Tricentis as a Senior Solutions Architect.
Learn more about Alfred and listen to his playlist below.

When do you listen to these? When I’m riding solo on the road.
Favorite bike? As of late, the new Giant Propel is lovely.
Favorite ride? All of the group rides in town are rad. But lately, I’ve been doing a lot of FoCo to BoCo rides.
Preferred style of riding? Mostly Road but I love recovering on my gravel bike.
Years in NoCo? (City?) Been in FoCo ever since 2003!
Employer/title/years there? Tricentis/Senior Solutions Architect/Over 3 years now.
Hometown? Originally from Manila, Philippines, but moved straight to Fort Collins in 03′.
Team name if applicable. Full Send Racing.
How do you take your coffee? I buy coffee through Starbucks every day, unfortunately. It’s an excuse to get out of the house since I work from home: Grande Iced Shaken Espresso, nonfat milk, extra whip, with Blonde Espresso Roast.
Who influenced your taste in music? I grew up listening to the Beatles. Mom and Dad are a huge fan. Over the years, my taste in music evolved.
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